Anara and Lynnea's Age

4 years and 10 months!!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fun in the Sun!

Each Thursday this summer we are doing play dates with some of the moms and kids from church. It has been so much fun! One time we went bowling, another we went to the Corn Popper and watched pop corn being made, and this week was story time in the park. There were a ton of people so I am not sure how much Anara actually got out of the reading of the stories but she enjoyed eating Vivian's fruit loops and she REALLY enjoyed the water play area that we did after story time!

This first picture is of Anara trying to feed Vivian a fruit loop.

I told Anara not to feed Vivian so she turned and tried to feed me!

I am pretty sure that Anara is trying to figure out what other food she can find. Sigh....

Anara thought it was hilarious to try and drink the water. Mom didn't agree!

Anara playing with friends.

I am pretty sure that this was Anara pushing Addy away so she could play with the water by herself. Sorry Addy! We are still working on sharing!

All to herself!

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