Anara and Lynnea's Age

4 years and 10 months!!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lynnea is 11 months!

Lynnea is really starting to get a personality.  We keep saying that she is becoming a real little person!  I can't believe she is going to be 1 soon!

She has started pulling up on things which she really enjoys.  She is also starting to understand us more.  The other day I asked her if she was ready to go pick up her sister and she became super excited and started bouncing around.  It was so sweet.  Both girls just worship each other.  I LOVE it!  Anara has this weird obsession with petting Lynnea's head.  We have no idea why but it is very sweet.

Lynnea has also become attached to a toy.  She has a little monkey rattle and that is the only thing that will help (which it doesn't always) when it is nap time.  This child still HATES naps.  She never cries unless she is supposed to be going down for a nap.  Then you would think that she is being tortured.  She has absolutely no problem going down at night but the idea of a nap is just the end of the world and no one loves her.  It is just so funny because it is the opposite of her normal happy, laid back personality.

She is also finally starting to babble.  She did it a little before, learned to say dada, dog and cat and then really stopped making any noises.  She would occasionally say something or make a noise but she was basically silent.  All of a sudden she has become very vocal and is babbling constantly.  It is so much fun to have "conversations" with her now.

And I know I have mentioned this in a previous Lynnea post but it is worth mentioning again.  She loves her feet.  As you will be able to tell in some of these pictures!  :)

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